Generate Random numbers in a specific range in Java

Recently I had to generate random numbers in a specific range, and I found that java.util.Random doesn’t have a function to do this. However, this functionality is present in ThreadLocalRandom. ###vTip: Use ThreadLocalRandom to generate random numbers in a range...

Deploying a flask app to AWS Lambda using Zappa

AWS Lambda lets you run code without provisioning or managing servers. The advantage of using Lamdba is: zero administration. Just upload your code and Lambda takes care of everything required to run and scale your code with high availability. So...

A simple way to repeat a string in Java

Recently while working on a task, I had the need to repeat a string a certain number of times in Java. I knew I could write this using a for loop, but I wished to avoid for loops whenever necessary....

Why Jekyll?

Well, I guess it’s quite obvious that I really enjoy working with Jekyll — with good reasons — so let me just briefly suggest some of the benefits of using a static site generator in favor of a heavy dynamic,...

First Commit

"The beginning is the most important part of the work." Plato I have been away from the blogging scene for quite a while now. Today, it dawned upon me that I need to start writing again. My writing is a...